To awaken the spirit of patriotism with positive nationalism among the people, for the revival of the social, political and economic, thought in the country.

Even after 70 years of independence, India faces many challenges on the social, political and economic front. Is India ready for these challenges of the 21st century? Does our country need a new thought, new energy and new solutions by focussing on these challenges? And how to work on them? ‘Desh Ki Baat’ is born out of this search for finding answers to all these pressing concerns.

‘Desh Ki Baat’ is a positive effort aimed at finding a solution to the burning issues of our country. Its objective is to mobilise the ideological capacity and energy of the country and implement them for the overall development of our nation. The aim of this forum is to channelise the energy of the country’s intelligentsia towards the progress of all the citizens in this country, by developing a fresh perspective for the present, guiding the youth towards a new kind of thinking, new direction, discovery, ideological rejuvenation and direct their prowess to develop a strong, progressive India.

Nationalism has been a debatable subject in the country for a few years now. Everyone, from a common man, to a politician and the intellectual is trying to explain nationalism from their perspective.. This is being done in such a way that ideological and personal conflicts are getting a chance to grow. This mutual conflict is resulting in the narrowing of the objectives of nationalism, by ignoring the diversity that exists in the Indian culture. From Kashmir to Kanyakumari, there are many languages, dialects, different standards of living and yardsticks of life and to strengthen unity, despite the diversity, by taking everyone along, is the idea behind ‘Desh ki Baat’.

Through this forum, various aspects of nationalism will be discussed and positive thought and emotion will be developed. To view 21st century nationalism from the perspective of the ideological view of the positive, powerful and inclusive nationalism of the Indian freedom struggle, understand it and evoke the same emotions prevalent then, is the aim of the forum.

The second important issue is to discuss India’s current economic situation and create a vision for the challenges that lie ahead and its solutions. The means and methods, and its development to make India economically independent and strong, by channeling the common man’s energies in a positive direction and creating a strong perspective, is the purpose behind this foundation.

The third issue that ‘Desh Ki Baat ‘ considers very important is the foundation of the Indian Constitution and giving shape to those values, ​​principles and goals contained in its Preamble.
The fourth pressing issue is to protect and develop its natural resources. The tendency to consume excessively has put so much burden on nature that the adverse effects it has started reflecting on our everyday life. Discussing these issues and working towards its solution are need of the hour.

These contemporary issues are the burning issues confronting our country today, for which we need to unite to find a solution. Desh Ki Baat is an effort in this direction.

To achieve its goal, ‘Desh Ki Baat’ will do the following:
1. To organize seminars, discussions and conferences on social, economic, political and environmental issues.. To organise cultural programs, to instil the spirit of patriotism and positive nationalism and to expand thinking.
2. To establish a knowledge and research center to generate a scientific temperament.
3. Grant of fellowship to work for the country. initiating projects for education, health, environmental protection, social and national integration and skill development, to help all sections of society progress.
4. By funding think tanks and those working in national interest, to fulfill its goal of overall development of the country.

“Is dharti ki kasam, is ambar ki kasam,ye tana bana badlega
“ Tu khud to badal tu khud to badal, tab to ye zamana badlega”

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